Five Healthy Habits for Financial Wellness Thumbnail

Five Healthy Habits for Financial Wellness

Financial stress can have a direct negative impact on a person's health and happiness. Unfortunately, this may lead to a downward spiral. The more stress you're feeling, the larger your financial hurdles may seem, and the more you may rely on unhealthy stress-reducing habits. Fortunately, there are steps you may be able to take to improve your financial situation and help manage money-related stress. Below are five habits you may wish to adopt to work toward financial wellness.

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Financial Resolutions for Small Business Owners Thumbnail

Financial Resolutions for Small Business Owners

The new year is fast approaching, and it is a good time for small business owners to make some financial resolutions to help lead them toward a solid financial path. Whether your business is just starting or you have been running it for decades, the new year is the time to review your financial situation and set some resolutions to help you with your future financial goals. Not sure where to get started? Here are a few business resolutions, no matter what type of business you own.

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