Donor Advised Funds: A Unique Way to Give Thumbnail

Donor Advised Funds: A Unique Way to Give

If you’re in search of a way to reduce your tax bill and give back to the community, a donor advised fund may be worth considering. Also known as a DAF, a donor advised fund is a charitable investment strategy you can use to support charities that are important to you, while receiving tax-advantages. You may contribute cash, stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, private company stock, cryptocurrencies, and other types of assets through a DAF.

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Thriving Through Financial Stress: Lessons for High-Net-Worth Families  Thumbnail

Thriving Through Financial Stress: Lessons for High-Net-Worth Families

April is Stress Awareness Month, and there's no better time to reflect on and address the stressors that may impact our lives. Financial stress is an interesting challenge for high-net-worth individuals and families since most financial advice tends to be targeted toward those earning less. Instead, you need a tailored approach that acknowledges your specific challenges. Here are a few tips and strategies that may help high-net-worth families navigate and thrive through financial stress.

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